Adverse Weather Conditions

Procedure for schools during adverse weather conditions. 


Please apply sun-cream to your child before school. If your child is in nursery please supply sun-cream which has your child’s name on it and hand in to nursry. We do not keep any suncream in the school office.

We do allow hats to be worn please have your child’s name labeled in it.


Decisions about closing the school or sending children home early will not be taken lightly. We will always endeavour to keep the school open when we are safely able to do so.

In the event of snow or bad weather, a decision will be made by the Head Teacher as to whether the school will remain open or will close.

Severe weather overnight

If a decision is made not to open the school then this will be communicated to parents in the following ways:

  • as a text message and email message
  • Via the school website or Dojo

Weather deteriorates during the day

In the event that we have to close the school during the school day we will notify parents by:

  • A text message asking parents/guardians to collect children. It is important that you keep the school office up to date with contact numbers and email message
  • We will post information on the school website or Dojo.

During the winter months the children still have outdoor play at breaks and lunchtime. Please send your child to school with appropriate warm outdoor clothing and sensible