
Science at St Mary’s

Science Policy

Science Skills Progression

Science Long Term Plan 2023-2024

Our high-quality, knowledge-based science education at Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School aims to provide all learners with the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry, as well as develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena within every pupil.

Science Curriculum

Our curriculum aims to give purposeful learning opportunities that build on children’s prior learning.  Children should be taught through inquiry-based learning where they are given time to investigate, prove and justify theories and reasons.

The teaching of Science at Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School focuses on expanding children’s knowledge, encouraging them to ask questions, use and understand new vocabulary and acquire the scientific skills they need to carry out investigations safely by using the correct equipment.

We provide our learners with a knowledge rich curriculum, focusing on developing the vocabulary and skills to understand and explore the world around them.  Our children are ‘Scientists’  enjoy exploring and discovering what is around them, hence providing them with a deeper understanding of the world they live in.

All classes have an interactive learning wall where science vocabulary, children’s work and questions to further children’s knowledge can be found.  Information is in the form of a knowledge organiser.  These are to support children in learning current themes and objectives, whilst also reminding them of prior knowledge.

Children will:

achieve age related expectation in Science for the end of their cohort year.  This will be moderated and examples of WTS, EXP and GDS will be shared.

Gain a wider variety of skills linked to both scientific knowledge and understanding and scientific inquiry/investigative skills.

Have a richer vocabulary which will enable children to articulate their understanding of taught concepts.

Have high aspirations, which will see them through to further study, work and a successful adult life.

Have a general knowledge of biology chemistry and physics which will allow them to make sense of the world around them.  Hence enabling them to take on further learning and acquire new skills.

Become ‘scientists’ with a love and understanding of science.

Crest Awards

At St Mary’s we go over and above the National curriculum by using Crest Awards to give children the opportunity to  practice their scientific skills. Many of our children won Crest Awards in 2022 – helping to create scientists of the future.