Personal Development

Personal Development here at St Mary’s

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, we endeavor to enable every child to become confident, resilient individuals with a good understanding of diversity and how to positively contribute to the society in which they live. We strive to enable our pupils to take part in a wide range of cultural experiences during their time in our school including those that would fall outside of their typical experiences.

In order to achieve this, we offer a range of clubs before school, after school and during lunchtimes as well as a full programme of educational visits to enrich the school’s curriculum offer. These opportunities cover a range of essential life skills and cultural experiences that develop confidence, friendships and embed an understanding of positive mental health. Pupils have the opportunity to contribute to the life of the school by serving on pupils bodies, to engage with members of the community both in the local area and the national and global communities and develop their understanding of being good citizens. Our whole school curriculum is designed to provide our pupils with opportunities to learn through contexts relevant to their own experiences and to provide windows into learning and culture from around the world.

Through our RSE & RE curriculum, Picture News, school assemblies, daily acts of collective worship, whole school initiatives and our approach to managing behaviour, our children are given the opportunity to develop their own characteristics and understand the values and differences of those around them. Our pupils are taught explicitly about fundamental British Values and how they are applicable to their own personal context.

The curriculum Intent here at St Mary’s states:

‘We pride ourselves on implementing a broad and balanced curriculum teaching the full range of the National Curriculum Programmes of study with an appropriate amount of curriculum time committed to teaching each subject and all subjects taught to a high standard. Our curriculum is designed to reflect the Catholic Character of our school, our school context and the locality of Grimsby, with the children having multiple opportunities to learn about and to learn within our local area. Within our curriculum we plan specific opportunities to develop pupils’ knowledge and experiences beyond the National Curriculum in order to develop their cultural knowledge and character. Our curriculum is an entitlement for all pupils regardless of their starting point, teachers endeavour to ensure that all pupils can access the full curriculum at St Mary’s.’

Impact on Teaching and Learning and Standards:

Children have a greater knowledge and understanding of the place of Grimsby within History and Geography. They are able to articulate their prior learning and new knowledge learned. They are able to explain and make links to prior learning.  Visits at the beginning a topic is a springboard to future learning and children are able to retrieve key knowledge.

Children have recalled this learning much later in the same year and in the following year and this is helping with spaced retrieval.

These visits and experiences have engaged the children and have helped the children to understand what it is to be a historian / geographer / scientist / artist etc.  The children have been using the key vocabulary learned and using it in their reading, writing and spoken language, and in their questioning and explanations. Our children are now understanding that Grimsby and their local area is a place to be proud of but also we are enabling them to learn there is wider world out there that they can succeed in.

Please see St Mary’s fantastic Personal Development Document available here.

Personal Development Document

Please see below photos of competitions, sports events, school trips and in school activities at St Mary’s

Careers Day July 2024

Careers day at St Mary’s orgainainsed by Ali at NSPCC was a monumental success and we can’t thank Ali enough. Feedback from the children and all who attended all thought it was fantastic day and all they keen to be involved again next year.  Us staff even enjoyed it too. We had visits from a cabin crew, a talented Grimsby actor, nurses, vets, and the Mayor of Grimsby, fire fighters and paramedics and even a team’s call from someone who worked with the red arrows. Ali from NSPCC is already planning next year’s careers day and we cannot wait.

Thank you again Ali and Nicole from the NSPCC.

Sports Day

St Mary held out our annual Sports Day on the 21st June with early years in the morning and Year 1 to Year 6 in the afternoon. Well done to all our children who took part and a huge thank you to all our parents and carers who came along to support all the children.

Congratulations to RED – Soubouris for overall winning at the event and well done to YELLOW – Lisieux who won the overall sporting award.

Thank you again to Mrs Solomou for organizing a great day and all the staff for supporting the children.

Year 5 – Bikeability

In Bikeability, we learnt how to ride our bike safely on quiet roads. We practiced in the playground first, learning how to check for traffic over our shoulders and how to signal both ways whilst moving. We then took these skills onto the road with us and learnt how to ride past a junction and turn left and right both in and out of a junction. 19 out of 29 children passed their Level 1 and Level 2 certificates and all of the children were excellently behaved for the whole two day course! Well done Year 5.

Balance Bike

Our Reception class had a wonderful time with Lincs Inspire practising on balance bikes.

Kidz Fit

Here at St Marys we’ve had great fun with Carl from Kidz Fit learning all about the Olympics and fitness. Please check out his website below.

Mr O’Connor with some of our Year 1 pupils showing there fantastic RE work. Well done.

World Book Day and a visit from Mighty Mariners our Grimsby Town Mascot.

World book day 2024 will be one to remember children took part in dressing up as all different book characters or there favorite pjamas. Each class join other classes to read and share special stories. We even had a special visit from Mighty Mariner the Grimsby Town Mascot. Thank you Grimsby Town.

 Year 3 and 4 children took part in an athletics festival. Well done

Boccia Team

Well done to our Boccia team who attended the develop event and came third place. They had the biggest smiles so I think it was a winner all round.

Road Safety Assembly

Road safety assembly for the whole school with out local PCSO officer, teaching the importance of road safety to our children here at St Mary’s.

Year 5 and 6 Athletics

Some photos from the recent Years 5 and 6 athletics festival. Well done to all that took part.

Safer Internet Day 2024

Year 2 exciting trip to Hull Street Museum. What a fantastic way to to learn about history.

Dance Afterschool Club

At St Mary’s our Year 6 teacher Mrs Ballard organised a very successful dance after school club. Our after-school clubs run from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

Wear Red Day

Wear Red Day here at St Mary’s for British Heart Foundation. The school came together to wear red for a cause close to our hearts. Thank you to all our parents and carers for supporting us and thank you to Mrs Aslin for arranging all the children to meet Hearty.

Dodgeball Competitions

Year 3 and 4 dodgeball competition which took place at Oasis Academy Wintringham Immingham. Well done to every one who took part.

Also well done to Year 5 dodgeball competition who who represented St Mary’s fantastically.

More fantastic competitions held locally attended by St Mary’s. Well done to everyone who has participated.