A simple uniform is helpful in establishing good standards of appearance in school and by wearing it children quickly feel a pride in being part of the school community. We ask that all clothing (including P.E kit) has your child’s name written clearly on it. This is to ensure that any mislaid items can be returned.
School uniform details:
- Royal blue school sweatshirt/cardigan
- Grey skirt/pinafore/Black/Grey trousers
- Blue/White summer dress
- White/royal blue polo shirt with school logo/white blouse/shirt
- White/grey/black socks
- Black sensible shoes
- White T-shirt
- Black shorts/jogging bottoms
- Royal blue P.E hoodie (for the colder months)
- Plain Black plimsolls or trainers
St. Mary’s uniform can be purchased through The Uniform Hut
There are also other things available to buy such as:
- Royal blue fleece jacket
- Royal blue reversible jacket
- Royal blue book bag
- Royal Blue beanie hat
PLEASE NOTE: We ask that parents support us in ensuring children wear the correct school uniform. For safety reasons children are NOT permitted to wear jewellery (other than watches) or hard hair ornaments in school. If children wish to have their ears pierced, we ask that this is done at the start of the summer holiday so that ears have a time to heal before the new school year starts. Nail polish should not be worn and we ask that children do not have extreme haircuts.